Congratulations rom MindUp-Enhanchement Psychology® to the sailing athelte Chiara La Loggia
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The Italian Primavela Kinder Championships took place in Genoa during the last week of August, one of the most important competitions at national level, with the participation of over 400 young sailors. We were present on the competition field on the last day of the regatta alongside our athlete Chiara La Loggia, 10 years old, from the historic Rowing Club Ruggero di Lauria of Palermo, who obtained a splendid silver medal and also won the call-up to the GAN (Group National Competitive) of the FIV.
We always thank Chiara's Master, Carlo Sbacchi, for his collaboration and excellent work in synergy.
The focus of working with such young athletes, as we always underline given that we are psychologists (of sports but also of developmental and developmental age) is not only aimed at performance or "life as an athlete", but is based on growth 360° of the young athlete, in his emotional and mental aspects and which he can use in every area of life even outside of sports.